Purple phase II exam

The candidate must understand the concepts and connection of the techniques and be able to demonstrate them in multiple combinations. We also require an understanding of specific No-Gi Grappling techniques.
Self-Defense is tested within the Self Defense Circle where you are approached unexpectedly by several attackers.


You can register for this exam after consultation with your instructor. The EGJJF verifies all notifications to the EGJJF instructors concerned.
The curriculum you can find on our E-Leaning platform; egjjfcommunity.com

  • Promotor: EGJJF

  • Sunday Oktober 6th 2024

  • 13:00 – 16:00 h

  • Harder Jiu-Jitsu “Dependance”
    Van Coehoornstraat 16, Venlo
  • € 52,50